
Our Impact

We empower SMEs in our continent so they can double their sales and boost their businesses.



To solve inequality in access to capital for small and medium Latin American companies in order to accelerate their growth.


of Impact

Discover SMEs and their impact stories

Yasmina Palma,

Hesse Construcción

"Supporting SMEs"

"At Cumplo you are not seen as a number, but as a partner. They are the left hand we were missing".

Our impact

on companies


of our clients are micro, small or medium-sized companies.


is the average sales growth of the companies we finance.

650 000

jobs are generated by the SMEs that work with us.

+ 30%

of the companies we work with are led by women, above the industry average.



We are the first Latin American


to be certified as a B Company.

B Corporations are committed to benefiting the world and measuring their impact. We have a personal, institutional and legal commitment that seeks a triple impact: social, environmental and economic.

We contribute to 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations.

We are part of the Race to Net Zero 2030

We are working to neutralize our carbon emissions by 2030.

We joined the 10X Challenge

We are committed to a fair wage gap in all our markets.

Learn more about

our impact

Download the 2022 Sustainability and Impact Report and review our sustainability initiatives in detail.

17350 State Hwy 249, Ste 220 #1580,
Houston, Texas 94105, CumploTex LLC

Somos Empresa B. Trabajamos por una economía más justa y medimos nuestro impacto con la comunidad y con el planeta.